Friday, June 28, 2013

Wy's birthday

Those lazy, hazy, relaxed summer evenings....

This past Sunday was Wyatt's birthday. We headed over to the Gerber's to celebrate. It was so typical and relaxed...

The adults hung out on the front porch and the kids ran around on the lawn...

Wyatt got a butterfly net from Heather and he was over-the-moon thrilled with that thing...

Taking pictures with this bunch is just an adventure. There is no other way to describe it. Max will pose. Wyatt will not look at the camera (in this case, you can tell he is enamoured of his butterfly net), Sawyer will just be Sawyer and poor Cheyanne was hungry and not wanting to be held by Max...

I think it was a good way to celebrate a 4th birthday...especially when 2 groundhogs were spotted helping themselves to Grandma's all you can eat salad bar ( She was not impressed. The groundhogs were not caught. Despite efforts by all males on the premises...Next time....look out groundhogs!

June happenings....

Things have been busy around here. June always is that way....
Ordinary, everyday things...

Someone got a "summer cut"...

This next photo was taken after his last 3 on 3 hockey game at The Zone. Their team won 11-10 (I think?) with the winning goal being scored in the last 4 seconds. Exciting! Max scored 4 goals. I think he was gunning for a hat trick and ended up doing even better. Rumour has it, his helmet had to be adjusted to fit smaller for this game...thanks to his summer haircut! ;)

The stain on our deck took a real beating this past winter so Keith has been working hard at cleaning and removing and prepping the deck for new stain. This wet, cool spring has not been very helpful. Last weekend we finally got it finished...

We used the exact same stain as we had previously. For some reason these last couple of pictures make it look really orange. But it's's a deep reddish brown like the above photos.

While Keith was working hard at the deck, Max and I went strawberry picking. YUM!!!!

We came home and made 3 batches of strawberry freezer jam and froze the rest of the berries whole. :)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Toronto Zoo

Last Thursday (June 20) Max's grade 4 class went to the Toronto Zoo for their end of the year trip. I went along. (Keith was hoping to go along as well but it ended up that he had Lobsterfest at work which he had to be at.) It was a fun, very warm, day!

Our group consisted of Max and Kyle and myself. We joined up with another mom Trish and her group of boys - Keith and Nate. So there were two moms and 4 boys. They were an awesome group of boys and it was a great day!

Boys are funny! At this age, they are so full of life and energy (aren't they always?!), they loved taking photos of the animals with their DSi's, jumping and climbing and crawling on every log, rock or ledge they could find and posing for photos...a miracle I think. They loved having their picture taken throughout the day. Lucky for me! ;)

We packed alot of walking and sightseeing into the day. We still didn't get to see the entire zoo. And we never did see the panda's live and in person. The lineup was over a 1 hour wait. The boys had no interest in waiting that long so they veto'd going to see them which was fine by me. We made sure to take their photo by a panda picture.... the next best thing. :)

Max's new little friend "Penny" the penguin. (His souvenir from the zoo.)