Saturday, December 29, 2012

Happy New Year!

Today we took down and put away all the Christmas decorations. Always so happy when that job is done. Max and I combined our efforts at decorating the kitchen chalkboard...

hockey hockey hockey

The past four months have been filled with lots and lots and lots of hockey. Somehow I have forgotten about my camera and obviously haven't been taking photos at the games. I made a concentrated effort to remember it for the last game before Christmas. On Sunday (Dec 23rd) we played Hespeler. It was a very exciting game and our boys ended up with a tie.
It's been a tough go and there haven't been alot of wins for our Atom AE boys. Therefore, a tie is celebrated like a win! :)
It was a good way to to start the Christmas celebrations! :)

The most favourite day of the year... not Christmas. Apparently, it's when it's snowing. Thus sayeth Max. Today was a goooood day for him. Finally we have some snow. Trying out the snowball maker...
It works pretty slick, especially considering it wasn't really the packing kind of snow normally required.
The base of his igloo has also been constructed. Let it snow!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Tis the be a new auntie & uncle!

Yesterday (Dec 22) Jon & Sheila welcomed sweet baby Dylan Taylor into their family. Three boys for them. The record remains unbroken...all nephews for us on both sides of the family. :)  Grandpa & Grandma, LeeAnne, Heather and Vanessa made a fast trip up to take a peek at Dylan today so we get a few little sneak peek photos of him...

Tis the season... to be a child!

Now that Christmas holidays have begun, we have some extra time for things that we don't typically do. Squeezing fresh orange juice. Special thankyou to grandma for letting us borrow her glass juicer. Max can squeeze his own fresh oj...
The end of school had Max hopping...writing out cards for his teachers and hockey coaches and sunday school teachers and piano teacher, not to mention wrapping a gift for his secret santa at school. Busy Busy Busy!
Rice Krispie treats to share with his class on the last day of school...
The Christmas card with a story....
(Poor Max. By mistake Keith and I showed Max his Christmas card early. He was not very happy. He wanted it to be a surprise on Christmas morning. So it is now hanging on the tree. And we went and found another card to surprise him with. :)
Memory Challenge: Holiday Edition
We picked up this game just in time to play during Christmas. It's so much fun! Max and I (and sometimes Keith) get in a few games each day. I never win. never. Max is the champ whenever we play. And sometimes Keith. Sometimes.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Tis the season....for Christmas goodies and treats!

These festively beautiful & delicious cupcakes were delivered to our house the other day. From the "best cupcake maker in the world" according to Max. Mmmmmm!!
Keith brought home these delicious treats the other day from one of the guys that works for him...
(Bread & Butter Pickles, Berry Jam and Raspberry Chocolate Sauce. YUMMMMM!)
Max and I baked some sugar cookies one afternoon this past week. Max could pretty much do everything by himself. He loves using the cookie cutters...

Tis the season... for pinterest attempts

There are so many cute and creative (and crazy) ideas floating out there on pinterest. I went through my pins and made note of a few that I thought would be reasonable to attempt throughout the holidays. Still have a few more that we'll hopefully get to over the next couple of days.
I love all the chalkboard art that is out there. I'm not good with coming up with my own. But I can do a pretty good replica:
Max attempted some watercolour painting while he was sick and home from school:
Together we made birdseed feeders. Pretty simple little recipe, pretty easy to do. Now we just have to wait for the birds to discover them and hope the squirrels don't. ;)