Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tis the season... for mini photoshoots! (continued)

Continuing from my previous post about mini photoshoots, Vanessa also had some pics taken at the same time as LeeAnne. When one of them wanted a break then I would snap pics of the other one. And I had an extra set of hands to lug my stuff around at all times and keep an eye on Max. It worked out pretty good! :)
Love this lime green door...we often stop by to use it in a few pics. :)
We ended off the afternoon with the two of them doing their thing in front of the green door. Fun!

Tis the season.... for mini photoshoots!

One lovely, warm and sunny Sunday afternoon, way back in the middle of October... LeeAnne and Vanessa coaxed me into doing a mini photoshoot of them. Smart girls. The weather turned cold afterwards and we all got so busy that I doubt it would have happened. I just finished editing the photos last night. (Which goes to show how much time I have to devote to that aspect of my life right now. It was a very very very good decision for me to not pursue a part-time photography business last year. Never had a moments regret yet. Just immense relief and the absolute confidence that I made the right decision.)
So first up, LeeAnne's photos. My sisters are probably the easiest people for me to photograph. I know them inside and out. They know me equally well. They will do what I say without grumbling. Usually. They often come up with their own ideas. We are not afraid to be honest with each other when we feel like an idea is not working. It's easy. But hard. Because sometimes they get crazy. LeeAnne was feeling very crazy this particular day. She told me right off the bat that she wanted some silly photos too, not just smiling ones. Well let me tell you...when I first went through the pics I was worried they would all be crazy and not a normal smiley one in the bunch. Thankfully, I did manage to find a few. ;) We started off in the woods behind the house and then drove down to Scott Park in town and finished off there. I really like Scott Park for pics - one of my favourite little spots. 
Max came along with us. I believe Keith was gone on business? or hunting? Something like that. Max had his DS to keep busy with. Until he got too close to LeeAnne's clutches at one point...
See what I mean? Silliness. Hoodlums on the loose in the park under my watch!
Thank goodness it's over with! ;)